derivational analogy

Terms from Artificial Intelligence: humans at the heart of algorithms

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A derivational analogy is a form of analogy where the process by which an analogous solution was found is used as well as the solution itself. This allows new solutions that exploit the way the previous analogous solutuon was found, but may vary the steps. The new solution iself may look nothing like the old one (taking the analogy into account), but the solution path does. For example, soemone might reason "getting out of an escape room is a bit like a maths exam question". To solve the maths question they would first of all list all the information given, so in the escape room, they list all the materials that are available. The solutons for the maths question and the escape room are nothing like each other, but the processes are similar.

Used in Chap. 3: page 32

Also known as derivational